The loss of a loved one can be stressful and overwhelming. The probate process can oftentimes intensify and complicate those feelings. The legal team at Blahnik, Prchal & Stoll gives personal representatives and beneficiaries peace of mind and help minimize the stress of probate. Our attorneys provide dedicated representation for personal representatives and beneficiaries from the commencement of the proceeding through the closing of the estate.
What is Probate?
Probate is a court process that oversees the administration of a deceased person’s estate. Probate is required for decedents who meet specific criteria:
Owned real estate in their name alone at the time of death
Had more than $75,000 in personal property (i.e. cash, bank accounts, business interests) AND did not have designated beneficiaries on those accounts
How Our Law Firm Can Help
Our law firm can help with:
interpreting the Last Will
identifying and recovering estate assets
identifying beneficiaries
attending all court appearances and filing necessary court documents
identifying required tax filings
inventorying all assets (including valuing assets)
settling debts and obligations
re-titling assets
collecting assets, speaking to creditors, and facilitating distributions without going to court